Washington DC legalizes the possession and use of marijuana

Published on February 26, 2015 at 8:50

Washington DC legalizes the possession and us

United States: Washington DC has become the latest place in the United States to legalize the possession of a small amount of marijuana.
Thus, people who use the drug in private no longer face prosecution hereafter. They can use the same for recreational purposes.
The decision to legalize Marijuana has created tension between the city’s mayor and Congress.
Washington DC has now joined with Alaska, Colorado, and Washington state, where the narcotics can be used for recreational purposes in the United States.
Residents and visitors to the city over the age of 21 can possess as much as 2oz (56g) of marijuana, and grow a few plants at home while buying and selling the drug remained illegal, as smoking is prohibited in public.
The plan had been irresistibly agreed in a vote of consent conducted last year.
But the referendum had revitalized tensions between local officials and Congress.
Washington DC is a federal district which required the approval of the Legislative Assembly for establishing any laws or decisions.
In a letter, two members of Congress have warned Mayor Muriel Bowser that she would be breaking US law by due process.
They said that a national budget bill was passed earlier to prevent the legalization of marijuana in Washington.
But Ms Bowser and other officials believed that the legalization would be still valid since it was approved by voters before the Congress could pass the budget bill.


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