Red arrows celebrate their 50th anniversary

Published on July 14, 2014 at 9:37

Red arrows celebrate their 50th anniversary

London: The Red Arrows team which was founded in 1965 have celebrated its 50th anniversary at the 2014 Royal International Air Tattoo.
After its formation, the team has performed more than 4,500 displays in 55 different countries, including a recent first time display in Kuwait.
Squadron Leader Jim Turner said that they have entertained the public with certain exciting programs with an expectation to bring back the finest early traditions of the Red arrows.
The skies above Fairford were roaring with the sound of jet engines over the weekend as the Royal International Air Tattoo pleased a sell-out crowd.
People of all ages were thrilled by the display of jet engines from around the world.
There were also exciting helicopter displays and some impressive manoeuvres from the gigantic Airbus.
Aerobatic display teams from Switzerland, Poland, Italy and Jordan were performed death-defying stunts throughout the day.


Video on Red Arrows 50th anniversary celebrations

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